Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Animals are Forever

 ... the course of my life, I've ... my own share of dogs. From early ... days, I recall having several dogs that stayed ... with us until my dad's next military ...

Throughout the course of my life,Animals are Forever Articles I've encountered my own share of dogs. From early childhood days, I recall having several dogs that stayed temporarily with us until my dad's next military assignment. Though my parents took good care of our animals, military life was unsuitable for animal adoptions as in most cases, animals were not permitted to go back overseas with us; thus we were inevitably forced to find homes for our pets. In 1983, my parents adopted our first 'forever' dog. She was a beautiful, graceful German Shepherd mix. Because my oldest sister had small children, my mom kept 'Apollo' outside in the backyard. Living in the South, my family was virtually unaware of the risk of heartworms . In Europe, heartworms didn't exist, and unfortunately, the SPCA where Apollo had been adopted did not pass out information on these dreadful predators. While our Apollo was continually outside, she was even more susceptible to the deadly mosquito infestation. After a short two years with us, we learned that our beloved Apollo had heartworms and died in less than 24 hours of our perceived understanding. At the time, I was merely 14 years old and deeply distraught and heartbroken over the loss of our priceless family dog. It was at that time that I had consciously made an oath to never have an outdoor dog and to always seek preventative medicine so that something like this would never happen with my own, future animals. In retrospect, I never imagined I would ever surrogate eight (8) dogs in my home - but Max, Zeus, Cujo, Hailey, Sharley, Tiny, Thor & Ozzie have become a cherished part of my family pack. Having all been neutered & spayed, annual checkups, immunizations, plenty of fresh water & food, heartworm preventative, and proper grooming - my dogs would never dream of 'escaping' their lap of luxury. Aside from having all the love in the world, my dogs lazily lounge on the sofas, get to run and play on nearly an acre of fenced yard, and even watch Television - which is usually set on the Animal PlanetOne can never get me to stop talking about my dogs. They are comical, sincere, understanding, loving and in addition to being the most grateful living things, give so much love and health benefits in return. Many persons do not realize the profound effects that animals have on us, but most importantly, do not understand the effects that we have on them. Though puppies and kittens are adorable, soft, cudly and cute - all animals mature and take on their mature form - sometimes as big as a 140 lb rottweiler. This is when things can 'become sticky' for folks. Suddenly, the cute black & tan pup is a massive bulk of clumsiness. He bumps into your living room endtable and breaks the cherished lamp; the velvety kitten is now a fully-grown cat and he's decided to 'redo' your tapestry with his claws; and 'Happy' the dog isn't making you 'so happy' anymore because he is too hyper and keeps escaping your paradise home. So what is one to do? First and foremost - and I cannot stress this enough - Spay or Neuter your animals. The sure-fire way to not only calm animals, spaying or neutering is also a positive way to reinforce and strenghten bonds between animal and human counterpart; and additionally has incredible health benefits, as these cost-effective procedures help to lengthen lifespans as well. Okay, so now you've spayed or neutered your pet - but she still wants to squeeze her way out of the fence to roam. That's understandable. She's been escaping the yard the whole time, and spaying isn't going to stop a learned behavior. So now what? My first suggestion would be to take your pet outside on a lead. (This should already have been one of the first training methods taught upon adopting a cat or dog) Teaching basic commands will help her to understand that she has boundaries and has to adhere to them. If the lead technique still doesn't keep her at bay, a kennel can be purchased ranging from $40 - $400 (depending on size of kennel). A house kennel is appropriate for indoor animals who are exhibiting disallowed behavior such as chewing, biting, scratching, urinating, etc. These kennels cost usually less than $100 - again, depending on size of animal. An outdoor kennel, is excellent for training animals to stay inside your fenced yard. (Note: Never, under any circumstances, allow your animal to run freely.) Start by placing animals in your indoor or outdoor kennel if you have to go somewhere or if you will not be directly supervising them. Never use the kennel as a means of punishment. Most animals may be a bit leary of the kennel at first, but give them some time, and you'll discover that they love their kennel so much that it becomes a safe haven - and animals may even want to make it their permanent sleeping place. Animal behavior can sometimes become frustrating as we've seemingly tried just about everything, and no matter what we do, they still sometimes do the things we don't want them to. But that's what separates animals from human beings: the fact that they are indeed animals. Our expectations can sometimes be set too high and we come to think of Rover or Mittens as a 'little person.' It's when we do this, that they will ultimately 'fail' our logic every single time. One cannot allow himself to set behavior standards so high that we no longer accept our animal counterparts for what they are. When behavior becomes an issue, and the lead and kennel have not produced adequate results, the next step is seeing an animal trainer or animal behavior consultant who may be better able to assist you. Finally, but not leastly, animals are forever. Love your animals. When you open your home and hearts to animals, you have instantly become their lifetime mentor and surrogate parent. They look up to you for your time, patience, compassion, understanding, food, shelter, healthcare and everything else in between. Without you, they are helpless. The worst thing someone can do is abandon or willfully neglect his devoted dog or cat. Below are some alarming statistics and vital information (1) from the Humane Society of the United States: * One female dog and her offspring can give birth to 67,000 puppies. In seven years, one cat and her young can produce 420,000 kittens. * Every year, between six and eight million dogs and cats enter U.S. shelters; some three to four million of these animals are euthanized because there are not enough homes for them. * Living creatures have become throwaway items to be cuddled when cute and abandoned when inconvenient. Such disregard for animal life pervades and erodes our culture. * Abandoned and stray companion animals who survive in the streets and alleys of cities and suburbs pose a health threat to humans and other animals. Each year communities are forced to spend millions of taxpayer dollars trying to cope with the consequences of this surplus of pets. These public costs include services such as investigating animal cruelty, humanely capturing stray animals, and sheltering lost and homeless animals. * Free-roaming cats--owned cats allowed to go outside as well as stray and feral cats--often are hit by cars or fall victim to disease, starvation, poisons, attacks by other animals, or mistreatment by humans. * Leaving a dog outside for long periods, especially if he or she is chained or otherwise tethered, can be physically, emotionally, and behaviorally detrimental. Dogs need companionship, care, exercise, and attention. Leaving a dog outside for an extended period without supervision not only deprives the animal of these things, but can also lead to behavior problems (including aggression). For further information about pet adoptions and the Humane Society of the United States, go to: What to Consider before Adopting a PetIn their short but special time they share with us, it is important to remember that animals belong in forever homes. Are you up to the challenge? Some thoughts to ponder. References: 1. The Humane Society of the United States

 © 2005 Animals are Forever By C. Bailey-Lloyd aka. Lady Camelot Public Relations Director & Staff Writer

How Long Do Bruises Take to Heal?


Whether you're nursing a recent bruise or simply intrigued by the science of healing, this blog is your comprehensive guide to the captivating world of bruises and their remarkable journey to recovery. Join us as we demystify the healing timeline and empower you with knowledge about the body's incredible ability to bounce back from colorful contusions.

How long does it take for a bruise to heal?

Bruises usually take 2 weeks to heal. However,How Long Do Bruises Take to Heal? Articles the exact time it takes for a bruise to heal can vary depending on a number of factors including the severity of the injury, the location of the bruise, and individual differences in healing. Generally, a bruise will go through several stages of healing.

Immediate response (0-2 days): 

Right after an injury, blood vessels break and leak blood into the surrounding tissue, causing discoloration. The bruise may appear red or purple during this initial stage.

Inflammation and swelling (2-48 hours): 

The body responds to the injury by sending immune cells to the area, leading to inflammation and swelling.

Black and blue stage (2-5 days): 

As the body begins to break down and reabsorb the leaked blood, the bruise may change color to blue or dark purple.

Green and yellow stage (5-10 days): 

The bruise may then transition to green or yellow as the body continues to break down and eliminate the blood.

Final stages (10-14 days and beyond): 

The bruise will gradually fade and disappear as the body completes the healing process.

For most minor bruises, the healing process typically takes about 2 weeks. However, larger or more severe bruises may take longer to heal. Applying ice to the bruised area during the first 24 hours can help reduce swelling, and over-the-counter pain relievers may be used for discomfort.

Also read: Round Bruise with White Center

Factors That Affect Bruise Healing Process

Several factors can influence the healing process of a bruise. Here are some key factors:

Severity of the Injury: The extent of the trauma to the blood vessels and surrounding tissues can impact the severity of the bruise. More significant injuries may result in larger bruises that take longer to heal.

Location of the Bruise: The location of the bruise on the body can affect the healing process. Bruises over bony areas may take longer to heal as there is less soft tissue to absorb and dissipate the impact.

Age: As people age, their skin becomes thinner and loses some of its elasticity. Older individuals may experience slower healing of bruises compared to younger individuals.

Underlying Health Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as bleeding disorders, vitamin deficiencies, or vascular disorders, can affect the body's ability to heal bruises. Individuals with these conditions may experience prolonged healing times.

Medications: Some medications, especially blood thinners or anticoagulants, can increase the risk of bruising and slow down the healing process. It's essential to be aware of the potential side effects of medications and consult with a healthcare professional if concerned.

Inflammation Response: The body's inflammatory response plays a crucial role in the healing process. Factors that affect inflammation, such as chronic inflammation or compromised immune function, can impact how quickly a bruise heals.

Rest and Elevation: Proper care of the bruised area, including rest and elevation, can aid in the healing process. Resting the affected area helps prevent further trauma, and elevation can reduce swelling.

Ice and Compression: Applying ice to the bruised area during the initial stages can help minimize swelling and reduce pain. Compression, using a bandage or wrap, can also assist in controlling swelling.

Nutrition: Adequate nutrition, including a well-balanced diet with sufficient vitamins and minerals, is essential for overall health and can contribute to optimal healing.

It's important to note that individual variations exist, and while these factors can influence the healing process, the timeline for bruise resolution can vary from person to person. If there are concerns about the healing of a bruise or if it seems to be taking an unusually long time, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

Can a bruise go away in 3 days?

In general, it's uncommon for a bruise to completely disappear within just 3 days. The typical timeline for a bruise to heal is around 1 to 2 weeks, with the bruise going through different color changes as it heals. However, the severity of the bruise, its location, and individual factors can influence the healing time.

Can a bruise last for months?

While it's not typical for a bruise to last for months, there are certain situations where bruises can persist for an extended period. The normal healing time for a bruise is typically around 1 to 2 weeks, and in most cases, the bruise goes through various color changes as it heals.

When do bruises stop hurting?

The pain associated with a bruise usually diminishes as the bruise heals. The timeline for when a bruise stops hurting can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the injury, the location of the bruise, and individual differences in pain tolerance.

Can a bruise leave a permanent mark?

In most cases, bruises do not leave permanent marks. As bruises heal, the body goes through a process of breaking down and reabsorbing the blood that has leaked into the surrounding tissues. The discoloration associated with a bruise changes over time, starting from red or purple, transitioning to blue or dark purple, then to green or yellow, and finally fading away.

Article kamal chennaoui ....


Les séismes, communément appelés tremblements de terre, sont des phénomènes naturels puissants qui résultent de la libération soudaine d'énergie accumulée dans la croûte terrestre. Ces événements géologiques peuvent avoir des conséquences dévastatrices sur les communautés humaines et l'environnement. Causes des Séismes : Les séismes sont généralement causés par le mouvement des plaques tectoniques, qui composent la surface de la Terre. Ces plaques flottent sur le manteau terrestre et interagissent de différentes manières. Les limites de plaques sont des zones particulièrement propices aux séismes, car c'est là que les plaques entrent en collision, se séparent ou glissent les unes sous les autres. Processus de Libération d'Énergie : Lorsque les plaques tectoniques se déplacent, une pression considérable s'accumule à leurs limites. Cette pression peut provoquer la rupture des roches, libérant ainsi une grande quantité d'énergie sous forme d'ondes sismiques. Ces ondes se propagent à travers la Terre, provoquant les secousses que nous ressentons lors d'un séisme. Échelle de Richter et Magnitude : La magnitude d'un séisme est mesurée à l'aide de l'échelle de Richter. Cette échelle logarithmique quantifie l'énergie libérée par un séisme. Un séisme de magnitude 5 est dix fois plus puissant qu'un séisme de magnitude 4. Les séismes de faible magnitude peuvent passer inaperçus, tandis que ceux de magnitude élevée peuvent causer des dégâts considérables. Conséquences et Prévention : Les séismes peuvent déclencher des tsunamis, des glissements de terrain et des destructions massives. La prévention et la mitigation des risques sismiques incluent la construction de bâtiments résistants aux tremblements de terre, la mise en place de systèmes d'alerte précoce et l'éducation des populations sur les mesures à prendre en cas de séisme. En conclusion, les séismes sont des phénomènes naturels puissants qui résultent des forces géologiques à l'œuvre dans la croûte terrestre. Comprendre ces processus est essentiel pour atténuer les risques et protéger les communautés exposées à ces événements déva

Instructions for downloading WOWOW On Demand

 WOWOW On Demand is a service that allows you to enjoy BS broadcasting from your smartphone or PC, even if you don't have a BS-compatible TV. It's perfect for those who want to watch BS broadcasts because they are not satisfied with terrestrial broadcasts. However, watching on a smartphone can consume data. In this article, we will provide detailed instructions on how to download WOWOW On Demand. If you're looking to download videos and enjoy them offline, this article is recommended for you.

What is WOWOW On Demand? What are its features?

WOWOW On Demand is a video streaming service offered by WOWOW. It operates on a subscription basis and provides a diverse range of content including movies,Instructions for downloading WOWOW On Demand Articles dramas, sports, music, and more. Additionally, there is a wealth of original content available. Subscribing to WOWOW On Demand allows you to enjoy programs not only on television but also on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.


WOWOW On Demand allows simultaneous streaming on up to 3 devices

You can register a maximum of 5 devices, enabling each family member to watch on their preferred device. (*Note: Only 1 device can stream simultaneously. Adjusting viewing times is necessary when using different devices. However, depending on the subscription plan, you can stream on up to 3 devices simultaneously.)

Enjoy Archive Content on WOWOW On Demand!

While there is a similar service called 'WOWOW Broadcasting,' the difference lies in the ability to view archived content. In the case of WOWOW On Demand, not only can you watch live broadcasts but also enjoy archived content without restrictions on location. Additionally, there are exclusive releases available only on this platform.


Experience WOWOW On Demand with a Free Trial

The cost of WOWOW On Demand is 2,530 yen per month (tax included). Payments are processed through basic credit card or carrier billing methods, with charges applied on the 1st of every month. Moreover, WOWOW On Demand offers a free trial period.


In summary, being able to download videos from WOWOW On Demand allows you to not only enjoy them on your PC but also transfer them to your smartphone or gaming console. Especially for your favorite videos, it's wonderful to have them saved and ready to watch at any time. If you're someone who resonates with this, I encourage you to use the StreamFab mpd ファイル Downloader as guided in this article to download WOWOW On Demand videos and give it a try.